The music that dances

In terms of composition, my sense is that music for dancing needs different time and space than music for listening; choreography scans the notes, creating a perfect groove as well as complex and inspiring; it’s like being in an empty space, clean, dense of rhythmic divisions.
We move in such a space: the music coming out would then be made of a matter which maybe you’d never be able to create.
This way music tells and dance together with the moving bodies.

Twenty years of work with Atacama Company taught me to relate with different emotions emerging from their shows, to then inflect them in their choreographies. The way Patrizia Cavola and Ivan Truol narrate is comic, tragic or fairy tale like. On my side, keeping myself always coherent to my musical feel, I tried to mark the right way for their emotional weaves.

This CD is hen an extract of the great work we made together during those years, nor a Best Of neither a Soundtrack, just a gift, the tale of our friendship.



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