
The choreographic project aims at exploring, through the artistic creation, topics that are extremely relevant to our society: migrations, mobility, integration, cultural diversity, and the conflicts and contradictions arising from them. Exploring the concept of mobility, inner and external movement of individuals and groups, directions and migration flows, free and induced relocations, and invasions. The vocation for migration characterizes a part of the animals and the human species as well. Migrations are as ancient as the history of humanity, and there are multiple reasons driving them. International migrations, however, have reached an unprecedented peak today, a dimension unknown in the previous centuries, partly thanks to the development of media and transport systems. Researching on the need of movement intended in its different meanings and facets, and on the wonderful and devastating consequences that displacements and migration flows have on our contemporary lives. The exodus of those fleeing from war; the forced travel of those who leave conditions of hunger, poverty and denied human rights; the travel freely chosen by those who feel they are citizens of the world and want to move beyond their original roots, studying abroad and getting to know new cultures; the attraction towards spiritual and religious paths leading to other countries; the brain drain of the best scientists towards places where research is supported and where they can find a job in line with their competences; the mobility of artists.

Concept, Choreography, Direction: Patrizia Cavola – Ivan Truol

With: Stefania Di Donato, Linda Guerriero, Cristina Meloro, Deborah Patrizio.

Original Music: Epsilon Indi

Costumes: Medea Labate – Arianna Pioppi

Lighting: Danila Blasi

Production: Atacama

Supported by MIBACT Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism – Performing Arts Department and by Lazio Region, Council for Culture and Youth.

Residency: La Scatola Dell’Arte

Those who practice art, and dance in particular, are inevitably and daily involved in the concept of movement and mobility. Taking part in this research, by exploring the displacement of the individual and the group, of the masses, of flocks and herds. Directions and Paths. Setting off and reaching another place, arriving and landing. Meeting the other. The different one. Opportunity or danger. Meeting, comparison and conflict.

Observing the complexity characterizing the contemporary world.

The choreographic project combines the elaboration of physical dance/poetry with a work of pictorial and visionary construction of images, with the use of words and sounds, and the interaction with the original music composed by Sergio De Vito – Epsilon Indi.


Production 2017